-- by Jason Quieros, DC A: This is the smoothie I make for my kids every morning! It’s good for both kids and adults because of it’s many benefits.
*Berries are the king of antioxidants. Antioxidants help reduce DNA damage and protect against cancer and ageing. *Ginger is an anti-inflammatory. This smoothie is as effective as an over the counter anti-inflammatory when taken on a daily basis. *Flax seed is loaded with healthy omega-3 fatty acids. *This smoothie has about ½ your daily recommended fiber intake for the day. 97% of Americans are fiber deficient every day! This recipe is sugar free, gluten free, vegan, and my kids love it. For us it is an easy way to start a healthy day. #NorwalkSportsandSpine #DrQChiro #Chiropractic #Breakfast# Nutribullet #Smoothie #Nutrition #Antioxidant #Fiber #AntiInflammatory #Yum #KidsLoveIt #HealthyFamily
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May 2024