-- By Dr. Jason Queiros Detoxes or cleanses are often misconstrued as a quick weight loss mechanism. I treat a detox like hitting the reset button on the modem or restarting the computer. In this case the computer being my diet. It's an easy way to get back on the healthy track when you've strayed. I chose to do this detox after my son was born, a time of both extreme happiness and stress. I was getting less sleep, and my eating habits definitely took a temporary dive. This was a stressful time and I'm sure my decreased nutrition and changes in hormones had me feeling less energized, sluggish even. Making me less productive at home and work. This then carried to even occasional feelings of gloominess at times. At this point I knew it was time to hit the rest button. I asked a colleague at work about a detox she was purchasing and I thought, "Why don't we do it together." We referenced other popular cleanses and customized them to our preferences and to add more nutrients. We also decided that we would be making our drinks using the entire fruit and vegetable, not just the juice. This was important to me since most juices are sugar and water and lack valuable minerals, nutrients and fiber. By making the smoothies at home, it costs only a fraction of what it would if you were buying the juices at the store or smoothie shop. For a total of $75, opposed to paying $65-80 per day for juices, I was able to buy organic fruits and vegetables and make enough shakes for 2 people for 5 days. The amounts of each ingredient may vary, adjust to your taste! I made the shakes at home with my Nutribullet. The organization of our cleanse consisted of 4 smoothies (3 hours apart). Coupled with a large salad consisting of lettuce, mixed greens, spinach, mixed nuts, seeds, finished with a drizzle of olive oil & vinegar to complete the day and keep from late night snacking! The Schedule 7 AM - Green 10 AM - Orange 1 PM - Yellow 4 PM - Red 7 PM - Salad
Experiment with recipes and discover what you and your family like! Enjoy your smoothies, and send your questions to [email protected] for our next Q&A!
-- By Alicia Saunders, DC A: The truth about which foods to eat organic We all know pesticides are toxic to our bodies but where do you start when it comes to buying organic foods? Every year the Environmental Working Group researches which veggies and fruits contain the highest amount of contamination from pesticides. These pesticides linger on our produce even after they have been thoroughly washed or peeled. The top 12 fruits and vegetables with the most pesticides (listed here from most contaminated to least contaminated) include: Strawberries, Spinach, Nectarines, Apples, Grapes, Peaches, Cherries, Pears, Tomatoes, Celery, Potatoes, Sweet Bell Peppers Strawberries take the cake for the most pesticides found per sample compared to any other produce. 99% of sampled strawberries contained at least one pesticide, with 20% containing 10 or more. When it comes to spinach, about 40% of the samples contained DDT, a banned neurotoxic insecticide in the US. Nectarines contained at least two pesticides in 94% of the fruits tested. 80% of apples contained diphenylamine which is banned in Europe. On average grapes contain at least 5 different pesticides. When it comes to peaches 99% were positive for pesticide residue. It was found that cherries contain a potential cancer causing pesticide iprodione which is also banned in Europe. Pears were found to have fungicides and insecticides present. Celery and tomatoes contained multiple pesticide residue, some as many as 13-15. Potatoes had more pesticides residues by weight compared to any other food. Eating higher levels of pesticides can cause many different symptoms or dysfunctions. Some include fertility problems in women and men, cancers or diabetes, asthma, and decreased cognitive function. Trying to stay on a strict grocery budget? There is also a list of 15 foods that have had the lowest amounts of pesticide residue which are safer to consume non-organic. These are called the “Clean 15.” Keep in mind however that 70% of non-organic produce tested was positive for at least one pesticide. Avocados, Sweet Corn, Pineapples, Cabbages, Onions, Frozen Sweet Peas, Papayas, Asparagus, Mangoes, Eggplants, Honeydews, Kiwis, Cantaloupes, Cauliflower, Broccoli. For more information turn to the Environmental Working Group website. So next time you’re shopping at the grocery store pay extra attention to the Clean 15 list to better your health and the health of your family! Don't forget to send in your questions for our next Q&A!
-- by Jason Quieros, DC A: This is the smoothie I make for my kids every morning! It’s good for both kids and adults because of it’s many benefits.
*Berries are the king of antioxidants. Antioxidants help reduce DNA damage and protect against cancer and ageing. *Ginger is an anti-inflammatory. This smoothie is as effective as an over the counter anti-inflammatory when taken on a daily basis. *Flax seed is loaded with healthy omega-3 fatty acids. *This smoothie has about ½ your daily recommended fiber intake for the day. 97% of Americans are fiber deficient every day! This recipe is sugar free, gluten free, vegan, and my kids love it. For us it is an easy way to start a healthy day. #NorwalkSportsandSpine #DrQChiro #Chiropractic #Breakfast# Nutribullet #Smoothie #Nutrition #Antioxidant #Fiber #AntiInflammatory #Yum #KidsLoveIt #HealthyFamily |
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